Anupama 24th May 2024: Anupama Cooking

Anupama 24th May 2024 written episode only on Desi Tv Serial.

Anuj brings a cake for Aadhya, and her friends love it. Shruti asks Anuj how he managed to get the cake so quickly. Anuj jokingly says it’s magic, deciding not to reveal the secret yet. He thinks this way Anupama will be part of the celebration. He plans to make a video call to Anupama but wonders if she’ll answer. Shruti asks him to record the video on her phone too.

Anupama receives a voice message from Anuj informing her that the venue has changed and that Aadhya loved the cake. He promises to call when they cut the cake. Anupama wonders why the party moved to a restaurant and hopes Aadhya is fine. She worries if Aadhya is upset because she decorated the house. Seeing the video, she feels relieved that Aadhya is happy. Vikram presents a dish to Anupama, who approves it.

She gets a call and decides to take it while Ms. Smith tastes the snacks. She tells Rahul she’ll handle the final touches herself. Rahul agrees. Anupama gets emotional watching Aadhya cut the cake she made. Aadhya cuts the cake and feeds a piece to Anuj first. Anuj wishes her a happy birthday, and she hugs him before sharing the cake with Shruti.

Toshu approaches Rahul and Vikram, asking if Ms. Smith’s dish is ready and offers to serve it. Vikram insists Anupama will handle it. Toshu points out she’s on a call and it might take time. Rahul reminds him that Anupama will check the dish before serving. Toshu argues that it can’t be reheated if it cools down. Ignoring Rahul’s objections, Toshu forcibly takes the dish with ill intentions. Anupama tries to stop him but fails.

Toshu approaches Ms. Smith and presents Anupama’s popular dish, undhiyu biryani. Anupama, puzzled, asks who instructed him to serve it. Rahul reveals that Toshu took the dish forcibly. As Ms. Smith tastes the biryani, she and the others are shocked. Vikram asks Anupama to explain the dish, prompting her to step forward. Sensing something amiss, Anuj decides to head to Spice and Chutney, feeling a strong premonition.

Anupama proudly states that this is her signature dish, but Ms. Smith suddenly exclaims, “What the hell is this?” She discovers cockroaches in the biryani and sarcastically asks if it’s undhiyu biryani or cockroach biryani. Customers begin to taunt Anupama, accusing her of trying to kill them with contaminated food.

Ms. Smith chastises Anupama for her supposed lack of hygiene and threatens to sue her and her restaurant. Customers record the incident, telling Anupama to take her trophy home and eat the cockroach biryani herself, vowing to ban her restaurant.

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Ms. Smith dramatically declares, “Anupama Joshi, you are finished,” and throws the plate at Anupama’s trophy, breaking it. The crowd demands an explanation, accusing her of serving poison.

Anupama, distressed, apologizes and insists she meticulously cleaned the kitchen, not knowing how the contamination occurred. Ms. Smith retorts that Anupama should have inspected the dish before serving it. Yashdeep, observing the chaos, laments that Ms. Smith would have given them an American star. Beeji prays fervently.

At home, Baa notices Babuji’s worry. He confides that he’s concerned about Anupama since a food critic is visiting her restaurant. Baa asks if Anupama will come home after receiving the American star, and Babuji replies that she first needs to earn it.

Meanwhile, at Aadhya’s birthday party, guests discuss the viral video of the cockroach incident at Spice and Chutney. Overhearing this, Aadhya asks Anuj to pose for a photo, but he hurriedly leaves, prompting Aadhya to shout after him.

Anuj rushes to Anupama and catches her as she faints. “You didn’t do this,” he assures her, “stand up for yourself.” Meanwhile, Aadhya tells Shruti that Anupama staged this to get Anuj’s attention, insisting they need to get her out of the house.

Anuj pleads with Ms. Smith and her partner to hear him out. “I know these people,” he says, “they’re professionals. Anupama lives for her work. She wouldn’t have won Superstar Chef if she wasn’t dedicated.

” He explains that their restaurant is renowned for its cleanliness and hygiene, noting Anupama’s ritual of praying and doing puja before cooking. “Why would they risk closing a thriving business?” he asks. Vikram and Rahul suggest checking the kitchen.

Ms. Smith insists she must report honestly. Toshu offers free meals to resolve the issue, but Anupama silences him. “Are you trying to bribe me?” Ms. Smith asks. Anupama requests time to investigate, vowing to uncover the truth. “I’ve cooked my whole life without a single hair in the food; how could there be cockroaches now?” Anuj supports her, emphasizing her need to find the culprit.

At home, Vanraj questions Baa and Babu Ji’s sleeplessness until Anupama calls, offering them mangoes and reflecting on Titu’s past. He realizes Anupama was wrong about Titu. Aadhya tries calling Anuj and tells Shruti he’s not answering. She insists they go to the restaurant, cursing Anupama and wishing her happiness be taken away.

Ms. Smith concedes, “Maybe you’re right, but the restaurant was reopened hastily to cover losses, neglecting basic hygiene. This issue must be escalated to the food and hygiene authorities.” As they leave, Anuj tells Anupama not to worry. Anupama thinks of Yashdeep. Customers shout and taunt her before leaving, and she sits down in shock.

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